Mission :- To Enhance staff , faculty,knowledge and skills with high quality accessible training and professional development opportunities to support our hospital vision of becoming the leading health care organization in the middle east . Vision:- To be a premier education and training academy with state of the art facilities to provide world class education and training services Values :- 1- We are inspiring and foreword thinking 2- Innovative 3- Team work 4- stay update
Instractor : 1st Egyptian National Nursing Conference

The hospital training academy is honored to invite you to attend the scientific dayOrganized in cooperation with October Pharma
Dyspepsia Day
Under supervision
Prof. Hassan Hamdi
Gastroenterology & Liver Consultant
At the tenth Afghan hour August 8, 2018 at the Academy of Training
Instractor : Dyspepsia Day

The academy is honored to train Wadi Elneel Hospital In collaboration with SANOFIInvite you to attend a scientific lecture entitledFever mythsHe will deliver itProf. Adel RiadChild Consultant and Head of Pediatric Care DepartmentOn Saturday, October 13, 2018 at 1 pm at the Academy Training Hall Head of Academic Training Deputy Director-General for Medical and Treatment of Hospital Manager Dr.. Ahmed Senoussi d. Medhat El Nayad, Prof. Hazem Abdelmohsen
Instractor : Prof. Adel Riad

Wadi El-Neel Hospital Training Academy in Collaboration with EVAPHARMA Pharmaceutical Company Organize Scientific Day About Hepatitis in Different Hospital Settings Prof.Dr. Hassan Hamdy
Prof. of Hepatology and Gastroenterology Ain Shams University
On Wednesday 24th Oct. 2018
01 : 00 PM at
Training Academy
Conference Room
Instractor : Prof.Dr. Hassan Hamdy