The Clinical Nutrition Unit is committed to provide the best possible nutrition services for patients in Wadi El Neel hospital. Registered Nutritionists / Dietitians actively participate as a part of the interdisciplinary team. They are specialized in a variety of areas including weight management, specialized therapeutic nutrition for different chronic and acute diseases as liver, renal, cancer, diabetes, and cardiac diseases, and specialized therapeutic nutrition for special populations as pediatric, pregnant and geriatric patients. Different menus are designed to meet the nutritional needs of our diverse inpatient population. The Clinical nutrition Unit offers a variety of inpatient and outpatient nutrition care services and interventions. I- Inpatient Nutrition Care Services:- The Registered Nutritionists / Dietitians provide Clinical Nutrition Services including nutrition assessments, nutrition counseling/education, and enteral and parenteral nutrition services. II- Outpatient Nutrition Services:- All of the above-mentioned nutrition services are available to outpatients’ Clinical Nutrition Clinics by Clinical Nutrition Consultants; as weight reduction, weight gain, specialized therapeutic nutrition for acute and chronic diseases, Sports nutrition and nutritional education for patients and their care givers.