The Department of Geriatrics in Wadi El-Nile Hospital Provides comprehensive medical care for the elderly through a team of health care professionals specialized in the treatment and prevention of common diseases in the elderly and improving their quality of life in order to preserve highest level of independency possible. Vision : To become a centre of excellence for geriatric practice in the area providing high quality, appropriate medical, psychological and social services aimed at comprehensive treatment of elderly patients with acute or chronic organic or psychiatric illnesses to achieve the best quality of life possible using all hospital facilities to promote high level of independence with prevention of expected complications Mission: Provide high-quality, comprehensive medical care for older persons through a multidisciplinary team working together to provide elderly patients with the comprehensive care needed to identify and treat various problems using the available diagnostic tools to treat multiple diseases, polypharmacy and atypical symptoms and considering treatment using appropriate doses of drugs and the use of non-pharmacological alternatives to promote maximum independent performance. Services provided: Outpatient clinics: Aims to: 1 – Provide comprehensive assessment of cases for all body systems and assessment of memory and psychological status and functional performance of the elderly and assess the nutritional status 2 – Identification of basic medical, psychological, social and rehabilitation needs, 3. Provide cooperation with other specialties and services in the hospital and all sub-specialties and services available. 4. Provide specialized primary and preventive care for the elderly 5. Follow-up of chronic diseases in the elderly 6 – Providing medical advice for cases of memory impairment – Depression and isolation – Problems of balance and movement – recurrent falls- Osteoporosis – urinary incontinence 7 – Reduce the problem of polypharmacy 8 – Comprehensive preventive and therapeutic programs to maintain the health of the elderly Inpatient services: A qualified and trained medical team provide health services for the elderly patients through : 1. Treatment of acute cases that require hospitalization 2 – Observe the cases after the acute stage and before discharge home 3 – Long term care for patients in cases where it is difficult to provide the necessary care at home 4- Rehabilitation services for elderly people suffering from musculoskeletal or neurological problems 5- Comprehensive discharge and follow up plan including caregiver education